Brunfelsia Calycina
Family Name: Solanaceae
Common Name: Yesterday-Today-And-Tomorrow
Synonym: Brunfelsia Pauciflora
The plant native to South America. It is a evergreen shrub or small trees, with simple leaves and showy, salver-shaped flowers, sometimes fragrant. It is a spreading, bushy evergreen shrub to 3m in height, with glossy ovate leaves and terminal clusters of flowers 4~5cm across, opening purple and fading to near white.
The plant native to South America. It is a evergreen shrub or small trees, with simple leaves and showy, salver-shaped flowers, sometimes fragrant. It is a spreading, bushy evergreen shrub to 3m in height, with glossy ovate leaves and terminal clusters of flowers 4~5cm across, opening purple and fading to near white.
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